Customer Reviews For The Water Sports Body Saver Mat, Anti-Fatigue Mat, Boat Mat (Blue) 80043-5

Overall Rating

2 Reviews
2 customers recommend this product
Jeff Powers
May 25, 2015
Verified Purchase
good quality

Works great

Al Simmons
January 10, 2013
Verified Purchase
Boat Impact Mat

This mat is exactly as advertised, but about half the cost of the one I bought 6 years ago for our old boat which was the same size but had a different logo name. Wont blow away, just the right density and thick enough to make a difference.

This Body Saver Mat is an anti-fatigue mat designed to take the pounding impact and stress out of standing on the hard surface of a boat deck. Initially developed for center console boats, the mat has already found its way on virtually every type of boat where a person is standing on their feet. Every serious boater should have at least one! The Water Sports Premium Body Saver mat weighs 5-pounds and provides a non-slip, non-stick surface for long nautical journeys and boat trips. This product is steadfast and holds tight in high winds and even waves! Other applications include use in locker rooms, outside of shops and outside your spa or jacuzzi. This product comes in blue.

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